Global International secondary school aims to give all students the best possible opportunity to fulfill their potential. We recognize the diverse educational needs of our pupils. Through appropriate provision, we respect and acknowledge that children:
- Have different educational and behavioral needs and aspirations.
- Require different strategies for learning and participation.
- Acquire, assimilate and communicate information at different rates.
- I need a range of different teaching approaches and experiences.
We endeavor to identify special needs as early as possible. Support for all children begins in the classroom with Quality Teaching, where the class teacher plans differentiated activities including a range of learning styles and outcomes. This enables children to access the curriculum at an appropriate level and removes any barriers to learning. Through carefully planned teaching and learning, children are continually assessed. In addition, we have a system to track and monitor all children’s progress weekly.
There are many types of support available at Global. These range from Development of an Independent Education Plan, support on specific intervention programmes, speech and language therapy programmes, support from outside agencies to regular reading and spelling practice. This support is carefully monitored, assessed and adjusted accordingly through the school’s Progress Meetings to ensure targets are met and progress is made