With the uncertainties caused by the Coronavirus and the now known possibility of remote teaching, it is expedient to note that the whole world has evolved by the novel, never before been experienced pandemic.

Parents, as the first medium of socialization, have to rise to the task of being fully involved in and active in the learning and development of their children. In an unusual setting where children now learn from home without any educator supervision, the onus is now on parents and guardians to be the first point of learning and the link between the online tutors and children at home.

The Coronavirus stalled all economical, social, physical, interactive, educational activities worldwide but as school activities were brought to an abrupt pause, learning wasn’t and this is the reason for the quick adoption of alternatives to instruction for students via the media houses, social media, and self-tutoring.

Teachers that didn’t improve or show enthusiasm to learn the new global means of instructions were left behind on the pedestal of stagnancy as education was the first to beat Coronavirus by continuing against all odds.

Now that the possibility of HYBRID LEARNING has come to fruition, and some parents still adopting remote learning over the physical classes, it is expedient that students are monitored as they use this compulsory and serendipitous introduction to the digital space to their advantage and not a detriment.

What is therefore the panacea? With the acceptance of the possibility of hybrid learning and the preference by some parents due to health, security, and economical factors, the roles of teachers and educational institutions have been reduced and the parents now take up the role of supervision, monitoring, and revision of school work.

Also, the introduction of the 4Cs of modern learning ushered in a perfect combo with the digital step up in the medium of instruction and learning. The 4Cs are creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking. Students are introduced early to the internet space and thus because of the absence of an educator’s supervision during online classes, the onus of learning lies with them.

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